Boudoir Photography | AL | TN | KY | MS

How did you hear about Whitney Browning Boudoir? : Tiktok

Why did you choose Whitney Browning Boudoir for your session? : Loved her style and her photos were amazing

What were your fears coming into the session? : Worried that all of my imperfections would show, or my pictures wouldn't come out the way I had hoped

Did those fears come true? : None of them!

What was your favorite part of the experience and why? : I loved how easy Whitney was to work with. She showed every pose and made sure that every detail was perfect for the picture. She knew exactly what would look good for each photo that was taken.

How did you feel DURING your session? : Nervous at first but then it was like all my nerves went away once we got started! I didn’t really think about it because we talked and laughed the whole time. It was like hanging out with friend!

How did you feel seeing your images for the first time?: Amazed! I loved so many of them, that I decided to buy all of them!

Do you feel like you have a better relationship with your body since your session?: Yes! I definitely do. I am much kinder to myself. It’s crazy how women have a flawed view of themselves and my view of myself has changed for the better

What will you do in the future to show yourself some self-love? : Another session with Whitney!

Would you ever do another session?: Definitely!!!

Do you have any advice for women interested in booking a boudoir session?: Definitely do it! Don’t wait for an occasion, just book it!

Anything else you'd like to share?: I’m absolutely in love with my photos and I’m so glad that I did this, I’m so thankful that I met Whitney!